Highland Hills Summerlin homes for sale Crossing Village master planned community.
Real estate property information on the Las Vegas MLS.
Highland Hills Summerlin Homes Las Vegas, NV
Highland Hills Summerlin Homes Information:
- property address
- list price
- square footage
- lot size
- year built
- bedrooms
- bathrooms
- garage size
- days on the market
Videos and photos of real estate properties available to view.
Maps of community includes residential single family homes for sale.
Highland Hills Summerlin homes for sale subdivision information.
Highland Hills Summerlin homes for sale.
Positioned in The Crossing Village.
The Crossing Village Fantastic Amenities Including:
- walking
- jogging
- biking
- parks
- recreation
- trails
in this master planned community.
Summerlin residents have many community centers to use.
Schools and shopping are close to everything in this Las Vegas neighborhood.
Considering living in Las Vegas, NV?
Summerlin master planned community is the best choice for properties.
Interested in The Crossing Village in Summerlin?
Then consider the Highland Hills Summerlin homes for sale.
Summerlin top rated master planned community located in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Highland Hills Summerlin Homes Including:
- residential
- commercial
- recreational
- educational
- medical
- open space
- cultural
Highland Hills Summerlin Homes
When buying or selling Las Vegas homes for sale.
Contact an experienced Realtor!
Highland Hills Summerlin Homes